Kraton Corporation
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“We have an obligation to preserve and protect our environment, communities, and workforce.”




Safety is one of our leading core values woven into how we do our jobs each day. We also encourage our workforce to carry this principle with them personally, avoiding the challenge of managing split values between the home and the workplace.

Kraton is committed to continuously improving our safety performance. This includes learning from incidents and near misses and implementing safeguards to prevent future incidents. This focus on safety resulted in our HSES performance ranking among the top percentile compared to known industry benchmarks. Leading HSES indicators that we track include:

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American Chemistry Council Responsible Care®

Kraton is a proud participant in the American Chemistry Council Responsible Care® initiative. Most of Kraton’s sites have certified Responsible Care Management Systems in place. Our manufacturing plants in North America are RC14001 certified.

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Process Safety Management (PSM)

Process Safety Management (PSM) principles at all our facilities Audits & Assessments – conduct internal audits on health and safety issues at our locations and maintain Hazard and Operability studies and Risk Mitigation and Compliance plans. In addition, we conduct HSES risk assessments, pre-startup safety reviews, personal safety, and pre-job risk assessments, and provide protective equipment to all impacted employees.

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Training is an integral element of our management systems and is defined in various Health and Safety related policies and procedures. We offer targeted training, including regulatory training, to relevant employees and contractors on health and safety risks and best working practices, including Chemical Safety, General Safety, and many Personal safety-related subjects.


Kraton’s Product Stewardship & Regulatory Affairs (PSRA) team manages our raw materials and products’ health, safety, and environmental aspects of our raw materials and products throughout their lifecycle and across the value chain to mitigate risks to customers, stakeholders, and the environment.

PSRA conducted hazard assessments of 100% of our pine chemicals and polymers as part of the Product Safety Codes of ACC Responsible Care. Through this process, we have identified the top ten highest priority chemical families based on human health and environmental risk and we reviewed these for potential areas of risk mitigation. We reassess Kraton products whenever changes to product, process, or regulations occur and communicate the impact and necessary actions with stakeholders.


Significant product categories were 100% assessed for Health and Safety impact improvement (GRI 416-1)


Incidents of non-compliance with regulations and/ or voluntary codes concerning the health and safety impacts of our products.

Kraton received no fines, penalties, or warnings from jurisdictional authorities. (GRI 416-2)